Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Update as of 3/17/20



“Redniss & Mead continues to serve our clients.  Many of us are working remotely and can be reached by phone or email, as always.  Some of us remain in the office or are in the field practicing social distancing.  Meetings, to the extent practical, will be held virtually.  We ask that all visitors have a scheduled appointment.  Thank you for your understanding.”    – Craig J. Flaherty, P.E., President

Monday, March 2, 2020

Local Civil Engineer Takes the Lead on Resilient Infrastructure

At the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, the American Society of Civil Engineers were encouraged to take the lead on resilient infrastructure initiatives.  Meanwhile, here in Fairfield County, Redniss & Mead’s president and senior engineer, Craig Flaherty, PE, presented coastal resiliency options for Pear Tree Beach to the town’s building committee.  The goal is to reduce nuisance flooding exacerbated by sea level rise and stronger storms while preserving and enhancing the beach and coastal resources, as Craig explained, to achieve “an optimal balance between protecting the resource which is not only ecological but our enjoyment of the beach and use of it, but planning resiliently,” For the complete news article, click here. For the ASCE article, click here.

Local Civil Engineer Takes the Lead on Resilient Infrastructure

At the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, the American Society of Civil Engineers were encouraged to take the lead on resilient infrastructure initiatives.  Meanwhile, here in Fairfield County, Redniss & Mead’s president and senior engineer, Craig Flaherty, PE, presented coastal resiliency options for Pear Tree Beach to the town’s building committee.  The goal is to reduce nuisance flooding exacerbated by sea level rise and stronger storms while preserving and enhancing the beach and coastal resources, as Craig explained, to achieve “an optimal balance between protecting the resource which is not only ecological but our enjoyment of the beach and use of it, but planning resiliently,” For the complete news article, click here. For the ASCE article, click here.

Local Civil Engineer Takes the Lead on Resilient Infrastructure

At the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference, the American Society of Civil Engineers were encouraged to take the lead on resilient infrastructure initiatives.  Meanwhile, here in Fairfield County, Redniss & Mead’s president and senior engineer, Craig Flaherty, PE, presented coastal resiliency options for Pear Tree Beach to the town’s building committee.  The goal is to reduce nuisance flooding exacerbated by sea level rise and stronger storms while preserving and enhancing the beach and coastal resources, as Craig explained, to achieve “an optimal balance between protecting the resource which is not only ecological but our enjoyment of the beach and use of it, but planning resiliently,”

For the complete news article, click here.

For the ASCE article, click here.

Craig Flaherty, PE Civil Engineer
Craig Flaherty, PE at Pear Tree Beach Metting